Commit 7b9b1f87 authored by rv3Dcv's avatar rv3Dcv

Change BulletSharp Folder Hierarchy

parent 03720295
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 003ad0009dc55064fb867a75cea6590b
folderAsset: yes
timeCreated: 1446427697
licenseType: Store
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 475b26b6240351c408cf41079635b544
folderAsset: yes
timeCreated: 1464392575
licenseType: Store
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
namespace BulletSharp
public static class BSExtensionMethods
public static IntPtr Add(this IntPtr ptr, int amt)
return new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + amt);
public static void Dispose(this BinaryReader reader)
MethodInfo dynMethod = reader.GetType().GetMethod("Dispose",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
new Type[] { typeof(bool) },
dynMethod.Invoke(reader, new System.Object[] { true });
public static void Dispose(this BinaryWriter writer)
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: b3974577913b52a4b891c20bbcf82681
timeCreated: 1450743639
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace BulletSharp {
public class InvalidDataException : Exception {
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 4f16b3597472e944686f961ee59e45e3
timeCreated: 1446666559
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}
// * C# / XNA port of Bullet (c) 2011 Mark Neale <>
// *
// * Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
// * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Erwin Coumans
// *
// * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
// * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
// * the use of this software.
// *
// * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// *
// * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
// * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
// * appreciated but is not required.
// * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
// * misrepresented as being the original software.
// * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// */
using BulletSharp.Math;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace BulletSharp
public static class MathUtil
// //public static Matrix TransposeTimesBasis(ref Matrix a, ref Matrix b)
// public static Matrix TransposeTimesBasis(ref Matrix mA, ref Matrix mB)
// {
// Matrix ba = MathUtil.BasisMatrix(ref mA);
// ba = Matrix.Transpose(ba);
// Matrix bb = MathUtil.BasisMatrix(ref mB);
// return BulletMatrixMultiply(ref ba, ref bb);
// }
// public static Matrix InverseTimes(Matrix a, Matrix b)
// {
// return InverseTimes(ref a, ref b);
// }
// public static Matrix InverseTimes(ref Matrix a, ref Matrix b)
// {
// Matrix m = Matrix.Invert(a);
// return BulletMatrixMultiply(ref m, ref b);
// }
// public static Matrix TransposeBasis(Matrix m)
// {
// return TransposeBasis(ref m);
// }
// public static Matrix TransposeBasis(ref Matrix m)
// {
// return Matrix.Transpose(BasisMatrix(ref m));
// }
// public static Matrix InverseBasis(Matrix m)
// {
// return InverseBasis(ref m);
// }
// public static Matrix InverseBasis(ref Matrix m)
// {
// Matrix b = BasisMatrix(ref m);
// b = Matrix.Invert(b);
// return b;
// }
// public static float Cofac(ref Matrix m,int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2)
// {
// float a = MatrixComponent(ref m, r1, c1);
// float b = MatrixComponent(ref m, r2, c2);
// float c = MatrixComponent(ref m, r1, c2);
// float d = MatrixComponent(ref m, r2, c1);
// return a * b - c * d;
// }
public static float FSel(float a, float b, float c)
// dodgy but seems necessary for rounding issues.
//return a >= -0.00001 ? b : c;
return a >= 0 ? b : c;
public static int MaxAxis(ref Vector3 a)
return a.X < a.Y ? (a.Y < a.Z ? 2 : 1) : (a.X < a.Z ? 2 : 0);
public static int MaxAxis(Vector4 a)
return MaxAxis(ref a);
public static int MaxAxis(ref Vector4 a)
int maxIndex = -1;
float maxVal = -BT_LARGE_FLOAT;
if (a.X > maxVal)
maxIndex = 0;
maxVal = a.X;
if (a.Y > maxVal)
maxIndex = 1;
maxVal = a.Y;
if (a.Z > maxVal)
maxIndex = 2;
maxVal = a.Z;
if (a.W > maxVal)
maxIndex = 3;
//maxVal = a.W;
return maxIndex;
public static int ClosestAxis(ref Vector4 a)
return MaxAxis(AbsoluteVector4(ref a));
public static Vector4 AbsoluteVector4(ref Vector4 vec)
return new Vector4(System.Math.Abs(vec.X), System.Math.Abs(vec.Y), System.Math.Abs(vec.Z), System.Math.Abs(vec.W));
// public static float VectorComponent(Vector3 v, int i)
// {
// return VectorComponent(ref v, i);
// }
// public static float VectorComponent(ref Vector3 v, int i)
// {
// switch (i)
// {
// case 0:
// return v.X;
// case 1:
// return v.Y;
// case 2:
// return v.Z;
// default:
// Debug.Assert(false);
// return 0.0f;
// }
// }
// public static void VectorComponent(ref Vector3 v, int i, float f)
// {
// switch (i)
// {
// case 0:
// v.X = f;
// return;
// case 1:
// v.Y = f;
// return;
// case 2:
// v.Z = f;
// return;
// }
// Debug.Assert(false);
// }
// public static void VectorComponentAddAssign(ref Vector3 v, int i, float f)
// {
// switch (i)
// {
// case 0:
// v.X += f;
// return;
// case 1:
// v.Y += f;
// return;
// case 2:
// v.Z += f;
// return;
// }
// Debug.Assert(false);
// }
// public static void VectorComponentMinusAssign(ref Vector3 v, int i, float f)
// {
// switch (i)
// {
// case 0:
// v.X -= f;
// return;
// case 1:
// v.Y -= f;
// return;
// case 2:
// v.Z -= f;
// return;
// }
// Debug.Assert(false);
// }
// public static void VectorComponentMultiplyAssign(ref Vector3 v, int i, float f)
// {
// switch (i)
// {
// case 0:
// v.X *= f;
// return;
// case 1:
// v.Y *= f;
// return;
// case 2:
// v.Z *= f;
// return;
// }
// Debug.Assert(false);
// }
// public static void VectorComponentDivideAssign(ref Vector3 v, int i, float f)
// {
// switch (i)
// {
// case 0:
// v.X /= f;
// return;
// case 1:
// v.Y /= f;
// return;
// case 2:
// v.Z /= f;
// return;
// }
// Debug.Assert(false);
// }
// public static Matrix AbsoluteMatrix(Matrix input)
// {
// return AbsoluteMatrix(ref input);
// }
// public static Matrix AbsoluteMatrix(ref Matrix input)
// {
// Matrix output;
// AbsoluteMatrix(ref input, out output);
// return output;
// }
// public static void AbsoluteMatrix(ref Matrix input, out Matrix output)
// {
// output = new Matrix(
// System.Math.Abs(input.M11),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M12),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M13),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M14),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M21),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M22),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M23),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M24),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M31),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M32),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M33),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M34),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M41),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M42),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M43),
// System.Math.Abs(input.M44));
// }
// public static Matrix AbsoluteBasisMatrix(ref Matrix input)
// {
// Matrix output;
// AbsoluteBasisMatrix(ref input, out output);
// return output;
// }
// public static void AbsoluteBasisMatrix(ref Matrix input, out Matrix output)
// {
// output = new Matrix(
// System.Math.Abs(input.M11), System.Math.Abs(input.M12), System.Math.Abs(input.M13), 0.0f,
// System.Math.Abs(input.M21), System.Math.Abs(input.M22), System.Math.Abs(input.M23), 0.0f,
// System.Math.Abs(input.M31), System.Math.Abs(input.M32), System.Math.Abs(input.M33), 0.0f,
// 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// }
// public static void AbsoluteVector(ref Vector3 input, out Vector3 output)
// {
// output = new Vector3(
// System.Math.Abs(input.X),
// System.Math.Abs(input.Y),
// System.Math.Abs(input.Z));
// }
// public static void RotateVector(ref Vector3 vec, ref Matrix m, out Vector3 output)
// {
// Quaternion rotation;
// Vector3 component;
// m.Decompose(out component, out rotation, out component);
// output = Vector3.Transform(vec, rotation);
// }
// public static void TransformAabb(Vector3 halfExtents, float margin, Matrix trans, out Vector3 aabbMinOut, out Vector3 aabbMaxOut)
// {
// //TransformAabb(ref halfExtents,margin,ref trans,out aabbMinOut,out aabbMaxOut);
// Vector3 halfExtentsWithMargin = halfExtents + new Vector3(margin);
// Vector3 center, extent;
// AbsoluteExtents(ref trans, ref halfExtentsWithMargin, out center, out extent);
// aabbMinOut = center - extent;
// aabbMaxOut = center + extent;
// }
// public static void TransformAabb(ref Vector3 halfExtents, float margin, ref Matrix trans, out Vector3 aabbMinOut, out Vector3 aabbMaxOut)
// {
// Vector3 halfExtentsWithMargin = halfExtents + new Vector3(margin);
// Vector3 center, extent;
// AbsoluteExtents(ref trans, ref halfExtentsWithMargin, out center, out extent);
// aabbMinOut = center - extent;
// aabbMaxOut = center + extent;
// }
// public static void TransformAabb(Vector3 localAabbMin, Vector3 localAabbMax, float margin, Matrix trans, out Vector3 aabbMinOut, out Vector3 aabbMaxOut)
// {
// TransformAabb(ref localAabbMin, ref localAabbMax, margin, ref trans, out aabbMinOut, out aabbMaxOut);
// }
// public static void TransformAabb(ref Vector3 localAabbMin, ref Vector3 localAabbMax, float margin, ref Matrix trans, out Vector3 aabbMinOut, out Vector3 aabbMaxOut)
// {
// Debug.Assert(localAabbMin.X <= localAabbMax.X);
// Debug.Assert(localAabbMin.Y <= localAabbMax.Y);
// Debug.Assert(localAabbMin.Z <= localAabbMax.Z);
// Vector3 localHalfExtents = 0.5f * (localAabbMax - localAabbMin);
// localHalfExtents += new Vector3(margin);
// Vector3 localCenter = 0.5f * (localAabbMax + localAabbMin);
// Matrix abs_b = MathUtil.AbsoluteBasisMatrix(ref trans);
// Vector3 center = Vector3.Transform(localCenter, trans);
// Vector3 extent = new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(abs_b.Right, localHalfExtents),
// Vector3.Dot(abs_b.Up, localHalfExtents),
// Vector3.Dot(abs_b.Backward, localHalfExtents));
// aabbMinOut = center - extent;
// aabbMaxOut = center + extent;
// }
// public static void AbsoluteExtents(ref Matrix trans, ref Vector3 vec, out Vector3 center, out Vector3 extent)
// {
// Matrix abs_b;
// AbsoluteMatrix(ref trans, out abs_b);
// center = trans._origin;
// extent = new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(abs_b.Right, vec),
// Vector3.Dot(abs_b.Up, vec),
// Vector3.Dot(abs_b.Backward, vec));
// }
// public static void SetMatrixVector(ref Matrix matrix, int row, Vector3 vector)
// {
// SetMatrixVector(ref matrix, row, ref vector);
// }
// public static void SetMatrixVector(ref Matrix matrix, int row, ref Vector3 vector)
// {
// switch (row)
// {
// case 0:
// matrix.M11 = vector.X;
// matrix.M12 = vector.Y;
// matrix.M13 = vector.Z;
// return;
// case 1:
// matrix.M21 = vector.X;
// matrix.M22 = vector.Y;
// matrix.M23 = vector.Z;
// return;
// case 2:
// matrix.M31 = vector.X;
// matrix.M32 = vector.Y;
// matrix.M33 = vector.Z;
// return;
// case 3:
// matrix.M41 = vector.X;
// matrix.M42 = vector.Y;
// matrix.M43 = vector.Z;
// return;
// }
// Debug.Assert(false);
// }
// public static void AddMatrixVector(ref Matrix matrix, int row, ref Vector3 vector)
// {
// switch (row)
// {
// case 0:
// matrix.M11 += vector.X;
// matrix.M12 += vector.Y;
// matrix.M13 += vector.Z;
// return;
// case 1:
// matrix.M21 += vector.X;
// matrix.M22 += vector.Y;
// matrix.M23 += vector.Z;
// return;
// case 2:
// matrix.M31 += vector.X;
// matrix.M32 += vector.Y;
// matrix.M33 += vector.Z;
// return;
// case 3:
// matrix.M41 += vector.X;
// matrix.M42 += vector.Y;
// matrix.M43 += vector.Z;
// return;
// }
// Debug.Assert(false);
// }
public static float Vector3Triple(ref Vector3 a, ref Vector3 b, ref Vector3 c)
return a.X * (b.Y * c.Z - b.Z * c.Y) +
a.Y * (b.Z * c.X - b.X * c.Z) +
a.Z * (b.X * c.Y - b.Y * c.X);
// // FIXME - MAN - make sure this is being called how we'd expect , may need to
// // swap i,j for row/column differences
// public static float MatrixComponent(ref Matrix m, int index)
// {
// //int i = index % 4;
// //int j = index / 4;
// int j = index % 4;
// int i = index / 4;
// return MatrixComponent(ref m,i,j);
// }
// public static float MatrixComponent(ref Matrix m, int row, int column)
// {
// switch (row)
// {
// case 0:
// if (column == 0) return m.M11;
// if (column == 1) return m.M12;
// if (column == 2) return m.M13;
// if (column == 3) return m.M14;
// break;
// case 1:
// if (column == 0) return m.M21;
// if (column == 1) return m.M22;
// if (column == 2) return m.M23;
// if (column == 3) return m.M24;
// break;
// case 2:
// if (column == 0) return m.M31;
// if (column == 1) return m.M32;
// if (column == 2) return m.M33;
// if (column == 3) return m.M34;
// break;
// case 3:
// if (column == 0) return m.M41;
// if (column == 1) return m.M42;
// if (column == 2) return m.M43;
// if (column == 3) return m.M44;
// break;
// }
// return 0;
// }
// public static void MatrixComponent(ref Matrix m, int row, int column, float val)
// {
// switch (row)
// {
// case 0:
// if (column == 0) m.M11 = val;
// if (column == 1) m.M12 = val;
// if (column == 2) m.M13 = val;
// if (column == 3) m.M14 = val;
// break;
// case 1:
// if (column == 0) m.M21 = val;
// if (column == 1) m.M22 = val;
// if (column == 2) m.M23 = val;
// if (column == 3) m.M24 = val;
// break;
// case 2:
// if (column == 0) m.M31 = val;
// if (column == 1) m.M32 = val;
// if (column == 2) m.M33 = val;
// if (column == 3) m.M34 = val;
// break;
// case 3:
// if (column == 0) m.M41 = val;
// if (column == 1) m.M42 = val;
// if (column == 2) m.M43 = val;
// if (column == 3) m.M44 = val;
// break;
// }
// }
// public static Vector3 MatrixColumn(Matrix matrix, int row)
// {
// return MatrixColumn(ref matrix, row);
// }
// public static Vector3 MatrixColumn(ref Matrix matrix, int row)
// {
// Vector3 vectorRow;
// MatrixColumn(ref matrix, row, out vectorRow);
// return vectorRow;
// }
// public static void MatrixColumn(Matrix matrix, int row, out Vector3 vectorRow)
// {
// MatrixColumn(ref matrix,row, out vectorRow);
// }
// public static void MatrixColumn(ref Matrix matrix, int row, out Vector3 vectorRow)
// {
// switch (row)
// {
// case 0:
// vectorRow = new Vector3(matrix.M11, matrix.M12, matrix.M13);
// break;
// case 1:
// vectorRow = new Vector3(matrix.M21, matrix.M22, matrix.M23);
// break;
// case 2:
// vectorRow = new Vector3(matrix.M31, matrix.M32, matrix.M33);
// break;
// case 3:
// vectorRow = new Vector3(matrix.M41, matrix.M42, matrix.M43);
// break;
// default:
// vectorRow = Vector3.Zero;
// break;
// }
// }
// public static Vector3 MatrixRow(Matrix matrix, int row)
// {
// switch (row)
// {
// case 0:
// return new Vector3(matrix.M11, matrix.M21, matrix.M31);
// case 1:
// return new Vector3(matrix.M12, matrix.M22, matrix.M32);
// case 2:
// return new Vector3(matrix.M13, matrix.M23, matrix.M33);
// case 3:
// return new Vector3(matrix.M14, matrix.M24, matrix.M34);
// default:
// return Vector3.Zero;
// }
// }
// public static Vector3 MatrixRow(ref Matrix matrix, int row)
// {
// switch (row)
// {
// case 0:
// return new Vector3(matrix.M11, matrix.M21, matrix.M31);
// case 1:
// return new Vector3(matrix.M12, matrix.M22, matrix.M32);
// case 2:
// return new Vector3(matrix.M13, matrix.M23, matrix.M33);
// case 3:
// return new Vector3(matrix.M14, matrix.M24, matrix.M34);
// default:
// return Vector3.Zero;
// }
// }
// public static void MatrixRow(ref Matrix matrix, int row, out Vector3 vectorRow)
// {
// switch (row)
// {
// case 0:
// vectorRow = new Vector3(matrix.M11, matrix.M21, matrix.M31);
// break;
// case 1:
// vectorRow = new Vector3(matrix.M12, matrix.M22, matrix.M32);
// break;
// case 2:
// vectorRow = new Vector3(matrix.M13, matrix.M23, matrix.M33);
// break;
// case 3:
// vectorRow = new Vector3(matrix.M14, matrix.M24, matrix.M34);
// break;
// default:
// vectorRow = Vector3.Zero;
// break;
// }
// }
public static int GetQuantized(float x)
if (x < 0.0)
return (int)(x - 0.5);
return (int)(x + 0.5);
public static int Clamp(int value, int min, int max)
return (value < min) ? min : (value > max) ? max : value;
public static void VectorClampMax(ref Vector3 input, ref Vector3 bounds)
input.X = System.Math.Min(input.X, bounds.X);
input.Y = System.Math.Min(input.Y, bounds.Y);
input.Z = System.Math.Min(input.Z, bounds.Z);
public static void VectorClampMin(ref Vector3 input, ref Vector3 bounds)
input.X = System.Math.Max(input.X, bounds.X);
input.Y = System.Math.Max(input.Y, bounds.Y);
input.Z = System.Math.Max(input.Z, bounds.Z);
public static void VectorMin(ref Vector3 input, ref Vector3 output)
output.X = System.Math.Min(input.X, output.X);
output.Y = System.Math.Min(input.Y, output.Y);
output.Z = System.Math.Min(input.Z, output.Z);
public static void VectorMin(ref Vector3 input1, ref Vector3 input2, out Vector3 output)
output = new Vector3(
System.Math.Min(input1.X, input2.X),
System.Math.Min(input1.Y, input2.Y),
System.Math.Min(input1.Z, input2.Z));
public static void VectorMax(ref Vector3 input, ref Vector3 output)
output.X = System.Math.Max(input.X, output.X);
output.Y = System.Math.Max(input.Y, output.Y);
output.Z = System.Math.Max(input.Z, output.Z);
public static void VectorMax(ref Vector3 input1, ref Vector3 input2, out Vector3 output)
output = new Vector3(
System.Math.Max(input1.X, input2.X),
System.Math.Max(input1.Y, input2.Y),
System.Math.Max(input1.Z, input2.Z));
public static float RecipSqrt(float a)
return (float)(1 / System.Math.Sqrt(a));
public static bool CompareFloat(float val1, float val2)
return System.Math.Abs(val1 - val2) <= SIMD_EPSILON;
public static bool FuzzyZero(float val)
return System.Math.Abs(val) <= SIMD_EPSILON;
public static uint Select(uint condition, uint valueIfConditionNonZero, uint valueIfConditionZero)
// Set testNz to 0xFFFFFFFF if condition is nonzero, 0x00000000 if condition is zero
// Rely on positive value or'ed with its negative having sign bit on
// and zero value or'ed with its negative (which is still zero) having sign bit off
// Use arithmetic shift right, shifting the sign bit through all 32 bits
uint testNz = (uint)(((int)condition | -(int)condition) >> 31);
uint testEqz = ~testNz;
return ((valueIfConditionNonZero & testNz) | (valueIfConditionZero & testEqz));
// public static void BasisMatrix(Matrix matrixIn, out Matrix matrixOut)
// {
// BasisMatrix(ref matrixIn, out matrixOut);
// }
// public static void BasisMatrix(ref Matrix matrixIn, out Matrix matrixOut)
// {
// matrixOut = matrixIn;
// matrixOut.M41 = 0.0f;
// matrixOut.M42 = 0.0f;
// matrixOut.M43 = 0.0f;
// matrixOut.M44 = 1.0f;
// }
// public static Matrix BasisMatrix(Matrix matrixIn)
// {
// return BasisMatrix(ref matrixIn);
// }
// public static Matrix BasisMatrix(ref Matrix matrixIn)
// {
// Matrix matrixOut = matrixIn;
// matrixOut.M41 = 0.0f;
// matrixOut.M42 = 0.0f;
// matrixOut.M43 = 0.0f;
// matrixOut.M44 = 1.0f;
// return matrixOut;
// }
public static Quaternion ShortestArcQuat(ref Vector3 axisInA, ref Vector3 axisInB)
Vector3 c = Vector3.Cross(axisInA, axisInB);
float d;
Vector3.Dot(ref axisInA, ref axisInB, out d);
if (d < -1.0 + SIMD_EPSILON)
return new Quaternion(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // just pick any vector
float s = (float)System.Math.Sqrt((1.0f + d) * 2.0f);
float rs = 1.0f / s;
return new Quaternion(c.X * rs, c.Y * rs, c.Z * rs, s * 0.5f);
public static float QuatAngle(ref Quaternion quat)
return 2f * (float)System.Math.Acos(quat.W);
public static Quaternion QuatFurthest(ref Quaternion input1, ref Quaternion input2)
Quaternion diff, sum;
diff = input1 - input2;
sum = input1 + input2;
if (Quaternion.Dot(diff, diff) > Quaternion.Dot(sum, sum))
return input2;
return (-input2);
public static Vector3 QuatRotate(ref Quaternion rotation, ref Vector3 v)
Quaternion q = QuatVectorMultiply(ref rotation, ref v);
q *= QuaternionInverse(ref rotation);
return new Vector3(q.X, q.Y, q.Z);
public static Quaternion QuatVectorMultiply(ref Quaternion q, ref Vector3 w)
return new Quaternion(q.W * w.X + q.Y * w.Z - q.Z * w.Y,
q.W * w.Y + q.Z * w.X - q.X * w.Z,
q.W * w.Z + q.X * w.Y - q.Y * w.X,
-q.X * w.X - q.Y * w.Y - q.Z * w.Z);
// /**@brief diagonalizes this matrix by the Jacobi method.
// * @param rot stores the rotation from the coordinate system in which the matrix is diagonal to the original
// * coordinate system, i.e., old_this = rot * new_this * rot^T.
// * @param threshold See iteration
// * @param iteration The iteration stops when all off-diagonal elements are less than the threshold multiplied
// * by the sum of the absolute values of the diagonal, or when maxSteps have been executed.
// *
// * Note that this matrix is assumed to be symmetric.
// */
// public static void Diagonalize(ref Matrix inMatrix,ref Matrix rot, float threshold, int maxSteps)
// {
// Debug.Assert(false);
// rot = Matrix.Identity;
// for (int step = maxSteps; step > 0; step--)
// {
// // find off-diagonal element [p][q] with largest magnitude
// int p = 0;
// int q = 1;
// int r = 2;
// float max = System.Math.Abs(inMatrix.M12);
// float v = System.Math.Abs(inMatrix.M13);
// if (v > max)
// {
// q = 2;
// r = 1;
// max = v;
// }
// v = System.Math.Abs(inMatrix.M23);
// if (v > max)
// {
// p = 1;
// q = 2;
// r = 0;
// max = v;
// }
// float t = threshold * (System.Math.Abs(inMatrix.M11) + System.Math.Abs(inMatrix.M22) + System.Math.Abs(inMatrix.M33));
// if (max <= t)
// {
// if (max <= SIMD_EPSILON * t)
// {
// return;
// }
// step = 1;
// }
// // compute Jacobi rotation J which leads to a zero for element [p][q]
// float mpq = MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,p,q);
// float theta = (MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,q,q)-MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,p,p)) / (2 * mpq);
// float theta2 = theta * theta;
// float cos;
// float sin;
// if (theta2 * theta2 < 10f / SIMD_EPSILON)
// {
// t = (theta >= 0f) ? (float)(1f / (theta + System.Math.Sqrt(1 + theta2)))
// : (float)(1f / (theta - System.Math.Sqrt(1 + theta2)));
// cos = (float)(1f / System.Math.Sqrt(1 + t * t));
// sin = cos * t;
// }
// else
// {
// // approximation for large theta-value, i.e., a nearly diagonal matrix
// t = 1 / (theta * (2 + 0.5f / theta2));
// cos = 1 - 0.5f * t * t;
// sin = cos * t;
// }
// // apply rotation to matrix (this = J^T * this * J)
// MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,p,q,0f);
// MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,q,p,0f);
// MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,p,p,MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,p,p)-t*mpq);
// MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,q,q,MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,q,q)+t*mpq);
// float mrp = MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,r,p);
// float mrq = MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,r,q);
// MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,r,p,cos * mrp - sin * mrq);
// MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,p,r,cos * mrp - sin * mrq);
// MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,r,q,cos * mrp + sin * mrq);
// MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref inMatrix,q,r,cos * mrp + sin * mrq);
// // apply rotation to rot (rot = rot * J)
// for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// {
// float mrp2 = MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref rot,i,p);
// float mrq2 = MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref rot,i,q);
// MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref rot, i, p, cos * mrp - sin * mrq);
// MathUtil.MatrixComponent(ref rot, i, q, cos * mrp + sin * mrq);
// }
// }
// }
public static void GetSkewSymmetricMatrix(ref Vector3 vecin, out Vector3 v0, out Vector3 v1, out Vector3 v2)
v0 = new Vector3(0f, -vecin.Z, vecin.Y);
v1 = new Vector3(vecin.Z, 0f, -vecin.X);
v2 = new Vector3(-vecin.Y, vecin.X, 0f);
public static void ZeroCheckVector(ref Vector3 v)
if (FuzzyZero(v.LengthSquared))
public static void SanityCheckVector(ref Vector3 v)
if (float.IsNaN(v.X) || float.IsNaN(v.Y) || float.IsNaN(v.Z))
public static void SanityCheckFloat(float f)
Debug.Assert(!float.IsInfinity(f) && !float.IsNaN(f));
// public static void Vector3FromFloat(out Vector3 v, float[] fa)
// {
// v = new Vector3(fa[0], fa[1], fa[2]);
// }
// //public static void FloatFromVector3(Vector3 v, float[] fa)
// //{
// // FloatFromVector3(ref v, fa);
// //}
// //public static void FloatFromVector3(ref Vector3 v, float[] fa)
// //{
// // fa[0] = v.X;
// // fa[1] = v.Y;
// // fa[2] = v.Z;
// //}
// //public static float[] FloatFromVector3(Vector3 v)
// //{
// // return FloatFromVector3(ref v);
// //}
// //public static float[] FloatFromVector3(ref Vector3 v)
// //{
// // return new float[] { v.X, v.Y, v.Z };
// //}
public static bool MatrixToEulerXYZ(ref IndexedBasisMatrix mat, out Vector3 xyz)
// // rot = cy*cz -cy*sz sy
// // cz*sx*sy+cx*sz cx*cz-sx*sy*sz -cy*sx
// // -cx*cz*sy+sx*sz cz*sx+cx*sy*sz cx*cy
float matElem0 = MathUtil.GetMatrixElem(ref mat, 0);
float matElem1 = MathUtil.GetMatrixElem(ref mat, 1);
float matElem2 = MathUtil.GetMatrixElem(ref mat, 2);
float matElem3 = MathUtil.GetMatrixElem(ref mat, 3);
float matElem4 = MathUtil.GetMatrixElem(ref mat, 4);
float matElem5 = MathUtil.GetMatrixElem(ref mat, 5);
float matElem6 = MathUtil.GetMatrixElem(ref mat, 6);
float matElem7 = MathUtil.GetMatrixElem(ref mat, 7);
float matElem8 = MathUtil.GetMatrixElem(ref mat, 8);
float fi = matElem2;
if (fi < 1.0f)
if (fi > -1.0f)
xyz = new Vector3(
(float)Math.Atan2(-matElem5, matElem8),
(float)Math.Atan2(-matElem1, matElem0));
return true;
// WARNING. Not unique. XA - ZA = -atan2(r10,r11)
xyz = new Vector3(
(float)-Math.Atan2(matElem3, matElem4),
return false;
// WARNING. Not unique. XAngle + ZAngle = atan2(r10,r11)
xyz = new Vector3(
(float)Math.Atan2(matElem3, matElem4),
return false;
// public static Vector3 MatrixToEuler(ref Matrix m)
// {
// Vector3 translate;
// Vector3 scale;
// Quaternion rotate;
// m.Decompose(out scale, out rotate, out translate);
// return quaternionToEuler(ref rotate);
// }
// // Taken from Fabian Vikings post at :
// public static Vector3 quaternionToEuler(ref Quaternion q)
// {
// Vector3 v = Vector3.Zero;
// v.X = (float)Math.Atan2
// (
// 2 * q.Y * q.W - 2 * q.X * q.Z,
// 1 - 2 * Math.Pow(q.Y, 2) - 2 * Math.Pow(q.Z, 2)
// );
// v.Z = (float)Math.Asin
// (
// 2 * q.X * q.Y + 2 * q.Z * q.W
// );
// v.Y = (float)Math.Atan2
// (
// 2 * q.X * q.W - 2 * q.Y * q.Z,
// 1 - 2 * Math.Pow(q.X, 2) - 2 * Math.Pow(q.Z, 2)
// );
// if (q.X * q.Y + q.Z * q.W == 0.5)
// {
// v.X = (float)(2 * Math.Atan2(q.X, q.W));
// v.Y = 0;
// }
// else if (q.X * q.Y + q.Z * q.W == -0.5)
// {
// v.X = (float)(-2 * Math.Atan2(q.X, q.W));
// v.Y = 0;
// }
// return v;
// }
public static Quaternion QuaternionInverse(ref Quaternion q)
return new Quaternion(-q.X, -q.Y, -q.Z, q.W);
public static Quaternion QuaternionMultiply(ref Quaternion a, ref Quaternion b)
return a * b;
//return b * a;
//public static Matrix BulletMatrixMultiply(Matrix m1, Matrix m2)
// return m1 * m2;
//public static Matrix BulletMatrixMultiply(ref Matrix m1, ref Matrix m2)
// return m1 * m2;
// public static Matrix BulletMatrixMultiplyBasis(Matrix m1, Matrix m2)
// {
// return BulletMatrixMultiplyBasis(ref m1, ref m2);
// }
// public static Matrix BulletMatrixMultiplyBasis(ref Matrix m1, ref Matrix m2)
// {
// Matrix mb1;
// BasisMatrix(ref m1, out mb1);
// Matrix mb2;
// BasisMatrix(ref m2, out mb2);
// return BulletMatrixMultiply(ref mb1, ref mb2);
// }
public static float NormalizeAngle(float angleInRadians)
// Need to check this mod operator works with floats...
angleInRadians = angleInRadians % SIMD_2_PI;
if (angleInRadians < -SIMD_PI)
return angleInRadians + SIMD_2_PI;
else if (angleInRadians > SIMD_PI)
return angleInRadians - SIMD_2_PI;
return angleInRadians;
public static float DegToRadians(float degrees)
return (degrees / 360.0f) * SIMD_2_PI;
public static Matrix SetEulerZYX(float eulerX, float eulerY, float eulerZ)
//return Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(y, x,z);
// This version tested and compared to c++ version. don't break it.
// note that the row/column settings are switched from c++
Matrix m = Matrix.Identity;
m._basis.SetEulerZYX(eulerX, eulerY, eulerZ);
return m;
// public static Vector3 MatrixToVector(Matrix m, Vector3 v)
// {
// return new Vector3(
// Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(m.M11, m.M12, m.M13), v) + m._origin.X,
// Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(m.M21, m.M22, m.M23), v) + m._origin.Y,
// Vector3.Dot(new Vector3(m.M31, m.M32, m.M33), v) + m._origin.Z
// );
// }
public static Vector3 Vector4ToVector3(ref Vector4 v4)
return new Vector3(v4.X, v4.Y, v4.Z);
// public static Vector3 TransposeTransformNormal(Vector3 v,Matrix m)
// {
// return TransposeTransformNormal(ref v, ref m);
// }
// public static Vector3 TransposeTransformNormal(ref Vector3 v,ref Matrix m)
// {
// Matrix mt = TransposeBasis(ref m);
// return Vector3.TransformNormal(v, mt);
// }
// //public static Vector3 TransposeTransformNormal(ref Vector3 v, ref Matrix m)
// //{
// // Matrix mt = TransposeBasis(ref m);
// // return Vector3.TransformNormal(ref v, ref mt);
// //}
public static bool IsAlmostZero(ref Vector3 v)
if (System.Math.Abs(v.X) > 1e-6 || System.Math.Abs(v.Y) > 1e-6 || System.Math.Abs(v.Z) > 1e-6) return false;
return true;
public static Vector3 Vector3Lerp(ref Vector3 a, ref Vector3 b, float t)
return new Vector3(
a.X + (b.X - a.X) * t,
a.Y + (b.Y - a.Y) * t,
a.Z + (b.Z - a.Z) * t);
public static float Vector3Distance2XZ(Vector3 x, Vector3 y)
Vector3 xa = new Vector3(x.X, 0, x.Z);
Vector3 ya = new Vector3(y.X, 0, y.Z);
return (xa - ya).LengthSquared;
public static T Clamp<T>(T value, T min, T max)
where T : System.IComparable<T>
T result = value;
if (value.CompareTo(max) > 0)
result = max;
if (value.CompareTo(min) < 0)
result = min;
return result;
//public const float SIMD_EPSILON = 0.0000001f;
public const float SIMD_EPSILON = 1.192092896e-07f;
public const float SIMDSQRT12 = 0.7071067811865475244008443621048490f;
public const float BT_LARGE_FLOAT = 1e18f;
public static Vector3 MAX_VECTOR = new Vector3(BT_LARGE_FLOAT);
public static Vector3 MIN_VECTOR = new Vector3(-BT_LARGE_FLOAT);
public const float SIMD_2_PI = 6.283185307179586232f;
public const float SIMD_PI = SIMD_2_PI * 0.5f;
public const float SIMD_HALF_PI = SIMD_PI * 0.5f;
public const float SIMD_QUARTER_PI = SIMD_PI * 0.25f;
public const float SIMD_INFINITY = float.MaxValue;
public const float SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG = (SIMD_2_PI / 360.0f);
public const float SIMD_DEGS_PER_RAD = (360.0f / SIMD_2_PI);
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public static class Native
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