Commit 94aab3d3 authored by Maximilian Legnar's avatar Maximilian Legnar

added link to paper to

parent 6ed8c8d0
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
This python project was created as part of the article "Natural Language Processing in diagnostic texts from
The paper can be found [here](LINK).
The paper can be found [here](
The scripts ```database_preparation/```, ```TextClustering/```
and ```TextClassification/``` gives an idea of how this project can be used with other datasets.
......@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ Feel free to use and adapt the scripts to your own needs.
## Requirements
Create a new environment, then install the required python packages with
Create a new environment, then install the required python packages with:
```pip install -r requirements.txt```.
```pip install -r requirements.txt```
The script ```database_preparation/``` requires some nltk corporas:
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